When you request a quote for an insurance policy, do you strip down all your coverages until it’s as cheap as it gets? Well, you get what you pay for.

Having good coverage may not seem important—until you get into a car accident.

There are many factors to consider when purchasing your insurance. Here’s why it should be value over price when it comes to insurance.

Specifically addressing automobile insurance, you need plenty of coverage because the driver who hits you may be uninsured, or underinsured. If you do not have the additional coverage to protect your assets and your injuries, those bills will come out of pocket. In the case that the other party is injured, and you are without enough bodily injury coverage, they could hire an attorney. Assuming their medical expenses exceed your coverage, it’s possible your valuable assets will be targeted. It’s also important to protect the possibility of your own injury and the expenses that follow in the case of an accident. You don’t want to spend months, years, or decades in pain because you could not pay to get treated for your injuries. Nor do you want to spend decades of your life in debt while you’re paying off restitution.

 By: KayLynn

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