Having Food Delivered to Your Home? There May Be Liability Risks

We used to wonder what people did before electricity. Then it was hard to imagine a world without television. Then came microwave ovens, the internet, and smartphones. Someday our children may look back and wonder how we ever lived without the ability to have fast food delivered to our doors. “Can you imagine having to get into a car and drive somewhere just to get a double-cheeseburger and fries?” they may say.

The growth of the “side-hustle” economy has been remarkable. It now has expanded to include food delivery service, even from restaurants and fast food places that previously didn’t offer such a convenience. Oh, it is a terrific convenience. However, this means more and more strangers may be dashing to your door.

Here’s an important reminder about this convenience. You could be held liable if someone trips, slips, falls or otherwise injures themselves while on your property. This includes friends, neighbors, relatives and service and delivery people. Yes, it could include that guy bringing you that double cheeseburger and order of fries. Forgot to turn on a light? Maybe your loose welcome mat wasn’t so welcoming. Almost any little thing can lead to a liability claim.

This is just one of the benefits of renters and homeowners’ insurance policies and Dwelling Fire/Landlord policies for those that have rental properties.  The liability coverage in such policies protects the policyholder from the financial hardship of a liability claim, whether it is won in court or if the case is settled. It can cover any legal expenses associated with your claim, but is company and policy specific.. That can be pretty comforting in this “order by app” era.

Are you taking advantage of home food delivery services? Maybe you even have groceries delivered to your home. Even if you just have pizza delivered once a week you should make sure you have proper liability coverage.

Connect with your independent insurance agent for a complimentary policy review. Your agent can help make sure you have appropriate coverage. Don’t let someone else’s side-hustle become your hassle. Contact us today for a homeowner or renters insurance policy review or price quote.

Be Confidently Insured.

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