Acts of God and Insurance: What You Need to Know

We’ve all heard the expression “act of God” when describing something that seems random or out of our control. In the context of insurance, an act of God is a natural hazard that is outside of human control. Examples of acts of God include earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and lightning strikes.

How does an act of God affect my homeowners insurance coverage?

Not all acts of God are covered by homeowners insurance. Basic homeowners insurance policies typically cover only the following acts of God:

  • Windstorms
  • Hail
  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Volcanic eruption

If you want coverage for other acts of God, such as earthquakes, floods, or sinkholes, you will need to purchase additional coverage in the form of a rider or endorsement.

How can I determine if an event is considered an act of God?

In general, an event is considered an act of God if it is caused by natural forces and could not have been prevented by human intervention. For example, a fire caused by a lightning strike would be considered an act of God, but a fire caused by arson would not.

What should I do if I experience a loss that may be covered by my homeowners insurance policy?

If you experience a loss that may be covered by your homeowners insurance policy, you should contact your insurance company immediately. Your insurance company will send an adjuster to assess the damage and determine whether it is covered under your policy.

How can I protect myself from financial losses caused by acts of God?

The best way to protect yourself from financial losses caused by acts of God is to purchase adequate homeowners insurance coverage. You should also review your policy regularly to make sure that you have the coverage you need.

Additional tips:

  • Make sure to purchase additional coverage for acts of God that are not covered by your basic homeowners insurance policy.
  • Keep your home and property well-maintained to help prevent damage from acts of God.
  • Have a disaster preparedness plan in place in case you experience an act of God.


Acts of God are natural hazards that can cause significant damage to your home and property. By purchasing adequate homeowners insurance coverage and taking steps to protect your home and property, you can minimize the financial impact of an act of God.

Be Confidently Insured.

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