Is Mowing the Lawn Actually Murder?


In honor of Earth Day on Monday, I want to remind you of the magic of our planet with some fascinating facts about plants.

  • Mmm, that smell of freshly cut grass. provides information that studies have shown the scent given off by fresh-cut grass is actually a plant distress call. Not only that, the scent attracts specific insects that can benefit the healing process of the grass.
  • Plants actually have the ability to recognize their siblings, or plants of the same species. Science Daily explains that plants have a natural competitiveness when sharing their space with plants of a different species. However, when potted with their siblings, they respond well.
  • Studies show that plants respond negatively to human-noise. The effects of human noise on a plant can last long after the noise has stopped.
  • provides information that there are over 20,000 edible plants naturally growing on planet Earth. What’s your favorite plant to eat?
  • Although plants do not have a specific organ to hear like we do, plants can sense vibrations through their leaves. Plants can sense when a predator is near.
  • About 85% of plant life is found in the ocean.
  • Adaptogens are plants that are used for regulating stress response by supporting your adrenal system. Chamomile, Holy Basil, and Valerian Root are just a few.
  • There are 100 poisonous plants located at Alnwick Garden in England. Visitors with a death wish are able to walk the poisonous garden.
  • Strawberries have 200 seeds on average. They are the only fruit to grow seeds on its outer layer.

By: KayLynn P.

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